Actress chioma Akpotha reacts to the new wavy "eye brow" trend making waves on social media..she says its makes girls look like snakes

For some days, we have been seeing photos of the new wavy eyebrow trend on social media, while some say it is cool, many see it as ugly.

Actress Chioma Akpotha has this to say about it:

Who's with me on this one? These wriggly brows MUST GO! Let's make it stop biko. They be looking like snakes , maggots and earthworms 😖😠😡👎🏿🐛🐍. Can't have them on my temple. Ngwa start kabashing oooo! Tag all your female friends oooo #WrigglyBrowsMustGo #LetsMakeItStop #laughItOff 😏😏😂 #LetsGoOnBrowStrike #WomenPower @omonioboli @ufuomamcdermott @uchejombo @asoebiafrica @k8henshaw @ritadominic @funkejenifaakindele @iniedo

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